
Janet has brought together the heart of one passionate for truth, the skill of an able student of the Word, and the keen eye and hand of an artist.  After a thorough search and study of each of the passages in the Bible, that deal with the future City of God, Janet has collated those Scriptures into a systematic theology of what the Scriptures itself says about the future city.  The result is a unique examination of the details that are too often overlooked by people in their search for a description of the future.  Her commitment to propositional revelation and the consistent interpretation of the Scriptures in the both Old and New Testaments brings the assurance of a study based on biblical facts. 

But then as a skilled artist she is able to give us a portrait of what those details may look like.  Looking at her careful illustrations, one sees, often for the first time, a rendering of what the Scriptures themselves describe.  It is at once comprehensible, stunning, and changes your entire perspective about the eternal city.  As I now read in God's Word about the eternal city, I am finally "able to imgaine it."

     Janet's work is thorough without being overly technical, making it accessible to anyone who wants to be a better student or teacher of the Bible.  She has done the church a wonderful service.

Now available at Amazon.com

What on Earth

Is Heaven Like?

Dr. David L. Burggraff, Ph.D.

Professor of Theology, Shepherds Theological Seminary, Cary, NC

A Look at God's City:

New Jerusalem
